Belarusian trade amid the full-scale war
Hereafter an analysis of prospects for the foreign trade of the Republic of Belarus and its consecutive dependencies will be provided. Despite the obvious Moscow-wards
Hereafter an analysis of prospects for the foreign trade of the Republic of Belarus and its consecutive dependencies will be provided. Despite the obvious Moscow-wards
Белорусское общество переживает внутреннюю эволюцию, оно постепенно, осознавая необходимость перемен в стране, превращается из обывателей в граждан. Тем не менее, несмотря на определенный политический оптимизм
Failures and highlights of the ruling elites Ukraine’s post-Maidan government can point to some successes: the defense, energy, banking and agriculture sectors have all seen
Any analysis, predictions or assessments of the situation in Belarus, processes related to the 2015 elections and strategies of the opposition and the government
The new year will see the Belarusian political system and Belarusian society in a state of routine developments and predictability. Belarus cannot expect a social
Pavel Usov Nowadays a lot is being said about what the EU could have done for Belarus after December 19, 2010 and what it didn’t
Doctor of Political Sciences Pavel Usov analyzes the Russian-Ukrainian war and its consequences for the post-Soviet space in an interview with Belarusian Partisan. — Ukraine
Russia’s presidential elections in any case affect Belarusian state and society. Close economic and political ties between two countries resemble a sort of misalliance. Recently